Saturday, April 4, 2015

Gender Reveal

We have an interesting story about finding out your gender.  Daddy and I knew we wanted to find out if you were a boy or girl.  We couldn't wait until you were born!  So at 16 weeks, Mommy had a doctor's appointment with an ultrasound.  When we go the ultrasound, the tech could not tell us for sure whether you were a boy or a girl (She said she was 75% sure you were a girl.).  Well, Daddy and I were disappointed because we had planned to tell our family that weekend for Easter.  So, right after our appointment, we went to First Glimpse 3D/4D Ultrasound in Baton Rouge.  There, the tech was able to take her time and tell us for sure that you were a girl!  We were so excited (and a bit surprised because we both thought you were going to be a boy!).  Daddy and I went eat at Ichiban's to celebrate.  On the Saturday before Easter, Mommy's side of the family got together for a crawfish boil.  I had told them that the doctor was unable to tell us your gender, so they were not expecting to find out.  Mommy gave each of your cousins a box with a cookie in it. She then asked them to each open up their box.  One cookie said "Baby", one said "Malek", one said "is" and the other said "a..."  At that point, everyone knew they were about to find out your gender.  Then your cousins opened a box Mommy had packed with pink balloons. What a special day!
Teita was in Acapulco for Easter.  Daddy and I went to Teita and Jeddo's house to tell Jeddo your gender.  We gave him a pink balloon.  The following week, Daddy and I went to Acapulco for vacation, and we told Teita, your great-Teita, Tio Joe, and your Uncle Ghassan.  Everyone was so excited you were a girl!


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