Monday, November 30, 2015

Ten Weeks Old


All bundled up to run errands with Mommy.


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Catherine's First Thanksgiving

Happy First Thanksgiving!  We had a very busy day.  We drove down to Houma to celebrate Thanksgiving at Mimi and Pop Pop's house.  You met Aunt Frances, Allison, and Jaime for the first time.  Granny and Grandpa were there, too.  Your cousins loved playing with you and holding you. 
After lunch, we drove back to Baton Rouge and celebrated Thanksgiving at Teita and Jeddo's house.  Uncle Joe Joe flew in just to see you!  Uncle Ray was there, too, and Uncle Casey, Aunt Kay, and Julia came, too.  It was a full day, but lots of fun. 



We visited with Uncle Joe and decorated for Christmas over the weekend.  Mommy put on Christmas music, and you played with your Rudolph rattle while she decorated.  Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Ray, and Uncle Joe Joe brought you to eat Sushi at Ichiban's, too. 

On Sunday, we went to eat a "Tony Malek's breakfast" at Teita and Jeddo's house.  You wore the Pumas jersey Uncle Joe Joe gave you.

Later that day, we went to Uncle Casey and Aunt Kay's house to celebrate Julia's baptism. 


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

"Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree"

Daddy and I brought you to pick out your first Christmas tree today.  We went to Louisiana Nursery on Perkins, and you picked out a pretty one!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Nine Weeks Old

Mommy tried on one of the sweaters your great-grandmother made for you.  It's still too big for you, but you looked precious wearing it.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Two Months Old

Are you two months old already?  Time is flying by!  You are cooing a lot, and you are smiling more and more.  You recognize my voice and Daddy's voice, and you are so much fun.  We love you!

Christmas at Aimee's House

Mommy's friend Aimee (Mimi) had all of her friends over along with their children for Christmas crafts.  You made your first Christmas craft with Mommy's help, a Christmas tree with your finger prints.  There was a house full of children, and you weren't too sure about the noise at first, but you got used to it. Katelyn loved holding you.  It was a fun morning!


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