Friday, April 29, 2016

Tio Joe Visits

Your Uncle Joe came in for a few days from Mexico to see you. We had a fun weekend visiting with him! 
Tio Joe feeding you for the first time.

You with Uncle Ray Ray, Daddy, Tio Joe, and Teita.
Eye Spy Uncle Ray Ray sleeping!

Mimi and Pop Pop came to the crawfish boil at Uncle Ray's on Sunday.  They both always LOVE their time with you.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Tummy Time with JuJu

Aunt Kay brought your best friend Julia over to play with you today!  You shared your toys with each other, and she had so much fun riding your rocking horse.  I am excited to see you two grow up together!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Thirty-One Weeks Old

Happy 31 weeks Love Bug!  This past week was a big one!  You learned how to clap your hands (on April 19th, while we were in Orange Beach), AND you learned how to roll over from your back to your tummy!  Mommy has found you on your tummy a couple of times in your crib now.  I have a feeling you will be crawling very soon!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Tickle Monster


"Catch It!"

Catherine's First Beach Trip

Daddy and I brought you on your first beach trip this week (Monday-Friday)!  We went to Orange Beach and stayed at The Turquoise.  On our way to the beach, we stopped for breakfast at Cracker Barrel. Daddy saw a sailor dress there that he had to buy for you.  :)  You were so good on the drive to the beach.  We stopped once to feed you, change you, and let you stretch out. 

We had a relaxing four days!  Daddy loved being able to wake up and spend time with you instead of rushing out the door to go to work.  We were excited to bring you to the beach for the first time!  You studied the sand very carefully and played in it a little.  The Gulf water was too cold, so we brought you to the heated pools instead.  You floated around in a baby raft that we brought for you, and you kicked your head back and relaxed.  You even tried to kick your legs a little bit.

We love every minute we spend with you Love Bug.  Can't wait to bring you back to the beach this summer!
This was your first time at Cracker Barrel! Mommy and Daddy always stop there for breakfast on their way to vacation, and we were excited to continue this tradition with you.

Daddy's such a hard worker.  He's working even on vacation.
We stopped to feed you and change you, and Daddy thought it would be funny to put you on the dashboard for a minute.  You didn't seem to care!

We made it to the Turquoise!  Let our vacation begin!

Mommy thought of your cousin Grace when she saw this carving of a turtle.  That girl loves turtles!
We didn't bring your baby tub with us, so Mommy got in the tub with you every night to bathe you. 
First time your toes ever hit the sand! 


Yummy sweet potatoes on the beach!


We went eat dinner at The Gulf.  You wore your Mexican moo moo.  :)  This is the first thing I ever bought for you.  Daddy and I went on vacation to Acapulco while I was pregnant for you, and I bought this moo moo at the airport. 
You loved your first swim in a pool!




Happy 7 months sweet girl!




We went to dinner at Cobalt for our last night in Orange Beach.

You slept almost all the way home from Orange Beach to Baton Rouge.  Your first trip to the beach wore you out!

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