Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Visiting with Granny and Grandpa

We stopped by to visit with Granny and Grandpa on our way to the camp today.  You loved playing on their ottoman, and of course Granny and Grandpa loved holding you and giving you lots of hugs. Uncle Moonie stopped by for a visit, too!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Wagon Ride with Julia

Aunt Kay and Julia came over for dinner tonight while Uncle Casey was in Alaska.  After dinner, Daddy brought the two of you on a wagon ride.  You both had so much fun riding together!


Ten Months Old

We cannot believe you are already 10 months old!  You are crawling all over the place, making "car" noises on command, and you say "bye" when Mommy or Daddy end a phone call.  You are not a picky eater at all, and you started eating meals all by yourself (finger foods). 


Catching Up on Some Reading

You love to "read" your books.  You crawl to the book basket and pull several of them out at a time.  You sit there and flip through the pages.  Your favorite books right now are Pat the Bunny and Pat the Zoo because there are things for you to touch on each page.  Here are some pictures of you reading Pat the Bunny.  (This was one of Mommy's favorite books as a child, too!)

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

You love playing with your toy puppy.  You have learned that if you press its heart three times, it will play "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".  You love playing the song, rocking back and forth to it, and "singing" along. 

Monday, July 4, 2016

Forty-One Weeks Old/ Happy First 4th of July!

Today we celebrated your first Independence Day!  We wanted to take you swimming, but since Mommy's still having morning sickness, we decided to stay in and play instead. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

July Pictures

We blew up your new ducky pool for you today!  You loved splashing around in the water and playing with your new toy frog. 

You learned that you may be able to find more food in your bib when there's no more food on your tray!

Just waking up from a nap :)


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