Sunday, April 30, 2017

Friday, April 28, 2017

Catherine Loves to Read

Today, Mommy was putting some stuff away upstairs.  She stepped out of Catherine's room for a couple of minutes, and when she returned, she found Catherine reading in her birthday chair.  On her own, Catherine pulled out her chair, picked a book, sat down, and "read"it. I hope she continues to love reading as much as she enjoys "reading" them now.  

Seventeen Weeks Old

Daddy's New Ride

Daddy got a new van for work!

Friday, April 21, 2017

Nineteen Months Old

Where is the time going?  You are becoming more fun each and every day.  Daddy and I are amazed at how many words you can say and how much you know.  You can look at many, many things and say what it is... including flowers, puppies, chicken, snack, banana, apples... the list goes on and on. You love singing your version of Happy Birthday and the Alphabet Song.  You are beginning to say "please" and "thank you" when you want something and get something.  My prayer is that you are as happy and sweet for the rest of your life as you are now.  We love you Doodlebug!

Sixteen Weeks Old

You both rolled over this week!  Caroline rolled over from her belly to her back (I think because she dislikes tummy time!), and Joseph rolled over from his back to his belly. Joseph woke up in the middle of the night screaming because he rolled onto his belly and didn't like it!  He loves sleeping on his side, so I think he just toppled over.  You both are growing so fast!  We love you both so much.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter 2017

We had a fun weekend of celebrating Easter! On Good Friday, we got together with Mommy and Daddy's friends and their kids for an Easter egg hunt.  On Saturday, we all went to Say-Say and Uncle Will's house for a crawfish boil.  Afterwards, you went on another Easter egg hunt with your cousins.  On Sunday,  the Easter Bunny brought all kinds of goodies to the three of you.  We had fun checking out all of the cool stuff in your baskets!  Then, Mommy took Catherine to mass and sat with Say-Say, Uncle Will, and your cousins, while Daddy stayed home with Joseph and Caroline.   We spent the rest of the day relaxing and playing with your new toys. (Teita and Jeddo were out of town.)


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