Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Joseph and Caroline's Baptism

What a beautiful day it was! We went to 11:30 mass with all three of you for the first time today.  We sat in the very first row of pews, and you all were so well behaved!  After mass (and after Jack Schmeekle was baptized), Father Trey baptized Joseph and Caroline.  Welcome to the Catholic Church you two!  May God be with you and today and every day of you life.

Since yesterday was Mimi's birthday, we got her a cake!

Twenty Months Old

Catherine is 20 months old today!  Unbelievable.  You are speaking so well, repeating everything you hear.  You have an amazing memory... if you hear something once or twice, you remember it.  You love picking flowers, you still LOVE bubbles, and you are starting to interact with your brother and sister more and more.  You can count to ten by yourself, and you love singing songs. (ABC, Twinkle Twinkle, Happy Birthday)  We love you!

Friday, May 19, 2017

Twenty Weeks Old

You both started using the Bumbo this week and the red activity chair.  You are holding your heads up really well, and you are both smiling all the time!  Joseph likes to laugh, too.  You are both starting to notice each other more and more, and you love watching Catherine move around the room playing.  You two are getting so big!


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