Friday, June 30, 2017

Twenty-Six Weeks Old

Happy Half-Birthday Joseph and Caroline!

You two turned six months old today!  Happy half-birthday!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Joseph and Caroline Eat Solids for the First Time

Two days shy of your six month birthday, you tried baby food for the first time!  Mommy fed you peas, and you both loved them!  Y'all made quite a mess, but it was fun watching you eat food for the first time.  

Bath Time Photo Shoot

Mommy wanted some bath time pictures of you two to match the one she has of Catherine at the same age.  You two were in great moods... Mommy was able to get some great pictures!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Caroline's First Time Getting Blood Work

Mommy brought Caroline to the doctor this morning because she's been having some tummy trouble. Dr. Guidroz wanted to rule out some things, so she ordered Caroline to have blood work done. Mommy didn't like seeing her get a needle in her arm, but Caroline was tough and barely cried.  She was such a trooper and all smiles when she got home!

Joseph was happy his sister was doing better. :)

Twenty-One Months Old

You are such a funny girl!  You are speaking so well.  You love reading books, helping Mommy with the babies, and twirling.  You are praying before dinner, saying "No, no thanks" when you don't want something, and you say "Hi friends!" to Joseph and Caroline when you see them after your nap.  Daddy and I love you so much.


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