Sunday, July 30, 2017

Seven Months Old

This week, Joseph started sitting up independently, and Caroline and Joseph began making each other laugh.  You are getting more fun with every passing week.  Mommy and Daddy love all three of you so much.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Thirty Weeks Old

Caroline has her two front teeth coming up now!  Joseph, we're still waiting on yours.  You are both really close to sitting up independently, and you are loving your baby food.  Mommy and Daddy love you so much!

Friday, July 21, 2017

Caroline Cut Her First Tooth!

Caroline and Joseph have been drooling and chewing on everything!  Mommy has been feeling your gums for about a month waiting for your first tooth to pop up.  Today, Caroline's first tooth popped up! It is one of your front bottom teeth.  :)  You three babies are growing so fast!

Twenty-Two Months Old

Our girl is 22 months old already!  You are speaking so well, and you have a great vocabulary.  You love building towers with your blocks, playing with your baby dolls, cooking in your pretend kitchen, reading books, singing songs, twirling and getting dizzy, dancing, coloring, and going to church to see Jesus.  :)  You say grace before meals, including the sign of the cross.  You love standing on your kitchen stool and helping Mommy and Daddy cook, and LOVE hummus and pickles!  
We love you Catherine!

Twenty-Nine Weeks Old

Happy 29 weeks Joseph and Caroline!  Mommy discovered Caroline's first tooth today.  :)

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Caroline Holding Her Own Bottle

You're such a big girl!  The bottles you use are pretty heavy, but today you began holding it for a little while by yourself.  

Friday, July 14, 2017

Twenty-Eight Weeks Old

You two are so close to sitting up independently!  You both love putting everything in your mouths, Joseph loves to laugh and smile, and Caroline loves to talk!  

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Demo Day

Today, the house that was on our lot was torn down.  We are another step closer to building our home for our family of five!  We can't wait to start making memories in this new house and watch the three of you playing in your new backyard!

Big Sister, Big Helper

Catherine has been helping Mommy give the babies their nooks, handing me burp cloths, bringing the babies toys, and as of today, feeding them their bottles.  You are such a big helper!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Play Date with Julia Catherine

Today, Mommy's friends Anne and Lacey came over for a play date.  Anne brought her daughter, Julia, over to play with all of you.  She also brought gifts for you guys... teething bibs for Joseph and Caroline, and the book Olivia and disguise glasses for Catherine.  She also brought this lovely flower for Catherine to wear, and Catherine absolutely loved it!  Thanks Anne!  ;)

Demo Day!

The house that sat on our lot was torn down today.  We are one step closer to building the house of our dreams for our family.  

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Sunday Fun!

Today, we drove down to Thibodaux and had a play date with Mommy's friends' kids. Catherine had so much fun playing with Amanda's daughter, Katelyn.  Joseph and Caroline got passed around and had fun watching the older kids play.  Aimee brought an art project for all the kids to do, and there were toys all over the place!  Mommy wishes we lived closer to all of these friends, but is thankful we stay so close.  Here are some pictures from our fun day!


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