Thursday, August 31, 2017

Geaux Tigers!

The Red Stick Moms Blog was holding a Cutest Tiger Fan photo contest, so Mommy decided to enter!  Thanks to Say-Say's help, we took these pictures.  Y'all were so good during our little photo session!  

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Eight Months Old

You went for your first wagon ride today.  All three of you rode in the wagon as Mommy pulled you around.  The weather was beautiful, and you all loved being outside.  (These pictures were taken a few days after you turned 8 months old.)

Monday, August 28, 2017

Caroline Sitting Up Independently

Caroline began sitting up independently today!  For so long, you would stiffen up and straighten out to avoid sitting.  Mommy and Daddy struggled to keep you sitting upright.  But today, you stopped resisting and sat independently.  You and Joseph had a great time seeing eye-to-eye and playing with toys together.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Catherine's First Trip to the Dentist

Mommy brought you to your first dental appointment this morning.  You were such a big girl!  The dental hygienist showed us around the office, gave you a Minnie Mouse toothbrush, and cleaned your teeth in the big chair as you watched the movie that was playing on the ceiling.  She used the birthday cake-flavored paste.  You persed your lips together at first when she tried cleaning your teeth, but you eventually loosened up!  Dr. Johnnie Hunt came in next, examined your mouth, and asked us to come back every six months. They gave you a small bouncing ball, a balloon, and two stickers.  Mommy is so happy your first dental appointment went well!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Twenty-Three Months Old

You are speaking so well and growing up so quickly.  You say your prayers, the ABCs, you love going on picnics in the living room, building towers with LEGOS, eating, watching Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and cooking and cleaning with Mommy and Daddy.  You know Mommy, Daddy, Mimi, Pop Pop, Teita, Jeddo, and Say-Say's first names, and when we ask you what your name is, you say, "Catherine Ann Malek."  When someone asks you how old you are, you say "one."  When someone asks how old you will be next month, you say, "two!"  

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Mary Kate's Baptism

It was a beautiful day today celebrating Mary Kate Telich's baptism. Congratulations Mary Kate!  

Friday, August 11, 2017

Thirty-Two Weeks Old

Happy 32 weeks you two!  Caroline loves blowing raspberries right now, especially when she's eating baby food.  You spray that food all over the place! You have your two bottom front teeth, you're a great eater, and you are not interested in sitting up!  Joseph loves to smile, is sitting up, and wants whatever your sisters are playing with.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Talking Up a Storm

Lately, Catherine has been surprising us with new words every day.  Here are a few things that you say these days that make us smile...

"See you later alligator!"
"Thank you sooooo much"
"Please crackers"
How much does Mommy/Daddy love you?  "Thiiiiissss much"
"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen."  "Time to eat"

You can also say Mommy, Daddy, Mimi, Pop Pop, Jeddo, and Teita's first names!

You are very good at repeating what you hear, and you are a quick learner.  Often, when you hear something once, you remember it!  You amaze us every day.

You also get scared every time you hear a loud truck outside.

Helping in the Kitchen

Catherine LOVES helping in the kitchen.  You love mixing, using measuring cups and spoons, and putting beans in the bowl!  Today you helped me make hummus, pull grapes, and roast broccoli in the oven.  You are so much fun!

Bye Bye Nooks!

Catherine started sleeping without a nook today.  Way to go sweet girl!  Mommy explained to you before nap time that now that you're a big girl, you don't need a nook anymore.  You said, "OK Mommy" and that was that.  I gave you some bunny cookies when you woke up as a special treat.  You went to sleep tonight without a nook, as well.  We are so proud of you!

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