Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween!

Happy 1st Halloween Joseph and Caroline!
We began the morning with Catherine decorating a Halloween house.  You had so much fun placing the candy onto the house.  
Later, Mimi, Pop Pop, the Faller crew, and the Teliches came over to go Trick-or-Treating.  Catherine was afraid of most of the people she saw in costumes, but became a little more brave towards the end of the night.  Catherine dressed as a bear, Joseph dressed as a tiger, and Caroline was a lion.  We went as "Lions  and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!"  When trick-or-treating was over, everyone came back home for chili and hot dogs.  Catherine enjoyed eating candy and playing with her cousins!  She stayed up until 10:00!  (That's the latest she's ever stayed up!)

Monday, October 30, 2017

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Saturday Fun

We had a fun Saturday today!  The five of us went to Prairieville Primary's Fall Fest.  Then, we drove to the LSU lakes to see the flock of pelicans.  What a gorgeous day!

Friday, October 27, 2017

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Our Slab Is Poured!

The slab for our new house was poured today!  We all put took turns putting hand prints in the wet cement in our future garage.  We tried making Joseph and Caroline's handpints, but they kept curling their fingers up and making fists.  So... Plan B- we made their foot prints instead!


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