Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Thirteen Months Old

Happy 73rd Birthday Jeddo!

Happy birthday Jeddo!  We had Jeddo and Ray Ray over to celebrate Jeddo's 73rd birthday (Teita was out of town).  We love you Jeddo!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Catherine's First Trip to the Knock Knock Museum

We went to the Knock Knock Museum for the first time today.  You had a BLAST painting, grocery shopping, taking care of animals, dancing, and much more!  Thank you Mimi and Pop Pop for giving us a year membership to the Children's Museum!
Afterwards, Mommy brought you to Chic-fi-la for the first time.  You really enjoyed your nuggets and waffle fries!  Mommy loves spending this one-on-one time with you.  I'm looking forward to being able to spend some one-on-one time with Caroline and Joseph when you're older, too!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Catherine Got Her First Library Card!

You were so excited to get your first library card.  Mommy brought you to the Bluebonnet Library, and you loved picking out four books and checking them out.  You're growing up so fast!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Snow Day Again!

It snowed in Baton Rouge AGAIN!!  This is the second time within a month!  It was a much lighter snow than when it snowed last month, but it was much colder outside.  There wasn't enough to build a snowman, but that's alright because it was TOO COLD!!! We all had fun looking at it!
(Joseph and Caroline were already asleep when Mommy took this picture.)

This picture was taken around 7 P.M.  The snow began around 6:30 P.M. or so.

 The next morning...

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Catherine Says the Funniest Things

"Mommy, my fork is tired!"

"What happened to you?"  - when the person just woke up

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Joseph and Caroline's First Birthday Party

We celebrated Joseph and Caroline turning one today!  The theme of your party was "Mother Goose".  We had Humpty Dumpty deviled eggs, Three Blind Mice cheese and crackers, Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary veggie tray, Three Little Pigs pigs in a blanket, This Little Piggy roastbeef sandwiches, Pat-a-Cake cookies, and a Jack and Jill pail of water bottles.  We also had a birthday train come and drive you and all your friends and family around the neighborhood!  You both LOVED eating your birthday cakes.  Mommy and Daddy had to take them away so you wouldn't make yourself sick! I can't believe my babies are one already. We love you so much, and we hope all of your birthday wishes come true this year and every year.  


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