Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Catherine- Funny Saying

Mommy: "Catherine, it's time to go take a nap."
Catherine: "But Mommy, I'm not yawning!"

Douglas and Puppy

Catherine LOVES Douglas and Puppy, and sleeps with them every nap and every night.  Elizabeth gave Puppy to her, and Say-Say gave Douglas to her.  You love your stuffed animals, but these two are definitely your favorites!

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Mommy and Catherine Head to Thibodaux

Mommy and Catherine spent the day with Mommy's friends at Aunt Amanda's house in Thibodaux.  You had so much fun playing with Katelyn and Christian.  Christian read one of his books to you, and he even took you on a ride in his power car!  

Wedding planning!!

Catherine's First Passport

Catherine's first passport came in the mail today.  We are planning a trip to Mexico City so that you can meet your great-grandmother (Teita's mom) and some other family members on Daddy's side.  

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Visiting Aunt Linda

We all took a road trip to Metairie this morning to visit your Great Aunt Linda.  She was so generous and gave the three of you some beautiful clothes to wear this Spring and Summer.  Thank you Aunt Linda!  We loved our visit and hope to see you again soon.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Outside Fun!

The weather is finally starting to warm up, so we've been able to spend some time outside in the afternoons!  Caroline and Joseph drove their car for the first time today, and Caroline tried out the swing!  We've been riding bikes a lot lately, too.  The three of you love being oustide!  We're looking forward to having more room to run around at our new house this summer!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day 2018!

Valentine's Day fell on Ash Wednesday this year.  Daddy and I had a wonderful day with the three loves of our lives... Catherine, Joseph, and Caroline.  We brought Catherine to the Knock Knock Children's Museum this morning while Miss Katie stayed at home and played with Joseph and Caroline.  (We can't wait until Joseph and Caroline are walking so we can bring you, too!)  Then, we went to lunch at the Chimes.  After naps, we all went for a bike ride around the neighborhood.  Later that night, Miss Katie came back to babysit and Daddy and I had date night at Ichiban's.  We LOVE all of you so much!!  

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Happy Mardi Gras 2018!

We had a fun Sunday in Houma celebrating Mardi Gras!  We began the day at Mimi and Pop Pop's house playing with your cousins.  Pop Pop put on Mardi Gras music, and we all had a dance party in the living room.  :)  All three of you tried king cake for the first time, and you LOVED it.  It was Mr. Ronnie's donut king cake, and you all couldn't get enough! 
Later, we all went watch the Terrenians parade.  This was Joseph and Caroline's first official Mardi Gras parade!  Mommy and Daddy made you all stay far back away from the floats because Mommy didn't want any of you getting hit in the head with beads.  You all loved hearing the marching bands pass by and watching the pretty floats ride by. 

On Mardi Gras Day, Mommy made you "King Cake Biscuits"!  Then we went visit Say Say and your cousins at their house.  Later, Daddy and I took you all on a bike ride.  Even though we didn't parade on Mardi Gras Day, we had a fun day!!

Joseph stayed like this for most of the parade. Sweet boy is protecting his sister!

Mrs. Amanda and Christian!

Moon pie!!


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