Thursday, May 31, 2018

Caroline Says the ABC's

Caroline has been "saying" the ABCs lately.  She can say "P", "S", "V", and "X" very clearly!  We're going to continue working on the entire alphabet, but Mommy is so proud of you for knowing when to say these four letters!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Seventeen Months Old

Knock Knock!

We went to the Knock Knock Museum this morning, and the Chapmans were there!  What a fun surprise!  You guys had fun playing with Julia and Grant. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Harvey Rabbit and Friends Show

Mommy brought Catherine to see "The Harvey Rabbit and Friends" show at the Bluebonnet Library.  Mommy remembers seeing this show when she was in elementary school, so I was excited to bring you.  You sat on my lap and loved the show, but you were not excited about getting up close to Harvey for a picture!  Hopefully they'll be back next summer so I can bring Caroline and Joseph to see the show, too.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day.  We are very thankful for all of the soldiers and members of the military who fight for our freedom.  We spent the morning at the spray park in CCLA.  Catherine loved splashing in the water, Joseph had fun walking the perimeter, and Caroline wanted to be held most of the time.  We can't wait to go back again soon!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Happy 66th Birthday Mimi!

Happy birthday Mimi!  We were supposed to celebrate Mimi's birthday with lunch at Say Say's house, but Joseph had a stomach bug (which he caught from Mommy and Caroline).  We didn't want to get your cousins sick, so we stayed home and Mimi and Pop Pop came by for cake.  Mimi and Pop Pop left here to spend the night at the Beau Rivage.  We hope you had a wonderful birthday Mimi!  We love you very much.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day 2018

We had a wonderful lunch today to celebrate Mother's Day.  I am so blessed to be the mother of you three beautiful, healthy, smart, and sweet babies. I love you all so much!


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