Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Halloween 2018

What a fun Halloween!  We began our day going to the LSU lakes to see the white pelicans.  Then we went to the Knock Knock Museum where we played, decorated some pumpkins, and saw a cool bicycle wheel display.  Later, we went trick-or-treating with your cousins and friends in Willow Grove.  Caroline was Little Red Riding Hood, Joseph was the wolf, and Catherine was the granny. We ate at KoKo and Uncle Mike's house and trick-or-treated until 8:00.  We ended the night trick-or-treating at Les Miles' house!  Catherine was scared of some of the decorations and costumes, but did a great job saying "Trick or Treat" and "Thank you!"  Y'all were exhausted but had so much fun. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Decorating Our Halloween House

Catherine and Mommy decorated our Halloween house today.  We had so much fun using candy corn, skittles, gum, and icing to create our masterpiece! 

Monday, October 22, 2018

Occupancy License

We officially got our occupancy license today for our new house!  We can start moving in when we're ready!

Gas will be turned on tomorrow!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

We Moved Some Boxes to the New House

Daddy moved some boxes over to the new house today!  Hopefully we'll start moving some more things in the next couple of weeks!

Thirty-Seven Months Old

Friday, October 19, 2018

Joseph LOVES His Stuffed Animals

Joseph is going through a stuffed-animal loving phase right now!  You are constantly asking for/whining for Puppy and Ooh-Ahh (Curious George).  You want them by you pretty much all the time, whether you're playing in the den, riding in the van, going to sleep, eating... You love your two stuffed-animal friends!

Monday, October 15, 2018

Unexpected Trip to the Pumpkin Patch in Houma

While in Houma today to get my bridesmaid dress fitted, we made a quick stop at the Pumpkin Patch at First Methodist Church.  Mommy and Mimi picked out two large pumpkins, and each of you picked out your own small pumpkin.  It was too hot to stay very long, but we had a fun time!  We met Pop Pop for lunch at Hebert's afterwards for some fried shrimp and chocolate peanut butter pie.  Even though we missed Daddy and wished he could be with us, it was a great day.


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