Friday, November 30, 2018

Twenty-Three Months Old

How are you two almost two years old?! Time please slow down.  I never imagined I would have twins, but what a blessing you have been to my life!  I love you both so much!  

Friday, November 23, 2018

Weekend Away

Mommy and Daddy both had a weekend getaway this weekend (separately!).  Mommy went on a bachelorette party getaway to Point Clear, Alabama, to celebrate her friend Aimee getting married.  Daddy went to the Ohio State/Michigan football game in Ohio with Uncle Mike, Uncle Casey, and Mr. Chris.  Catherine stayed with Mimi and Pop Pop this weekend, and Caroline and Joseph stayed with Teita and Jeddo.  It was a fun weekend, but I missed my babies!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

We hosted Thanksgiving this year at our new home.  Mommy's side and Daddy's side came over for lunch, and we had a great time!  We pushed three tables together so that we could all sit together in one room.  We are thankful for the three of you!  We love you and thank God for you everyday!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Monday, November 19, 2018

Catherine's First School Pictures

Catherine took her first school pictures, and they came out great!  Look at that smile!

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Aimee's Bridal Luncheon

Mommy helped celebrate the Bride-to-Be (Aimee) today with a luncheon at Antoine's in New Orleans.  Mommy and Aimee have been friends since we were 8, and I couldn't be happier for that she found such a wonderful man!  Love you Aims!

Brett, Amanda, Anne, Aimee, me, and Amy

Saving that parking spot!

Monday, November 12, 2018

First Week on Hill Drive

We are slowly getting settled in...

Watching chocolate chip cookies bake in our new oven!

First fire in the new house!

Class Pet- Pete the Cat

It was our week to have Pete the Cat at our house.


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