Sunday, March 24, 2019

Happy Birthday Elizabeth and Grace!

Happy birthday Elizabeth and Grace!!  We celebrated their birthday today with lunch at Superior Grill.  You three liked wearing the birthday sombreros that were brought out to them.  
After lunch, we had cake at Say Say's house, and the three of you played with your cousins in their backyard.  What a fun day!

Friday, March 22, 2019

Caroline Got Her First Pedicure

Mommy painted Caroline's toes for the first time today.  She was so excited to have sparkly toes like her big sister!  

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Happy Half-Birthday Catherine!

Bike Riding with Daddy

All three of you LOVE your time riding bikes with Daddy, and he loves it even more!

Monday, March 18, 2019

Happy 41st Birthday Daddy!

Happy birthday Daddy!  You began your special day with the best hugs ever!  We had a romantic lunch at Costco,  and later had white beans at home with a visit from Ray Ray and the Chapmans.  

We celebrated your birthday that weekend with a party here at home.  We invited most of Daddy's closest friends and had a great time!  I love you babe!!  I hope you had a wonderful birthday and know how much you mean to me.  

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

What a fun morning!  We went to the St. Patrick's Day parade in BR with our friends this morning.  You guys caught all kinds of things, including moon pies, swords, bracelets, stuffed animals, and suckers! Afterwards, we went home for lunch, and then got back in the van and went to MeMe's in New Orleans.  We then drove home, played outside, and went eat at BRQ.  Busy day, but we love making these sweet memories with you.  Mommy and Daddy love you so much and feel so LUCKY God chose us to be your parents!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Joseph's Starting to Organize!

Joseph organized all of our shoes that were by the door today.  He did this on his own!  I think he may have some OCD tendencies, and I can't say that I'm disappointed!  Love that smile!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Caroline is Potty-Training Herself!

Caroline has been pee-peeing and pooping on the potty lately!  She still has wet diapers sometimes and wakes up with wet diapers, but she also asks to go to the potty when she needs to.  Way to go Caroline!  It won't be long until you are 100% potty-trained!

Caroline and Joseph's First Visit to the Dentist

Mommy brought Caroline and Joseph to the dentist for the first time today. (This was Catherine's 3rd visit).  They were NOT at all happy about the hygienist looking in their mouths and cleaning their teeth!  There were LOTS of tears and screams, but they both cheered up afterwards when you got your own new toothbrush (Mickey and Minnie), bouncy balls, and balloons.  You all had a great check-up!  We'll be back in six months!  Thanks Dr. Hunt!


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