Sunday, June 30, 2019

Happy Half-Birthday Joseph and Caroline!

Happy half-birthday Joseph and Caroline. You're 2 1/2! Can't believe it.  The three of you are playing well together most of the time, but often fight over toys.  You play really well in that time after naps and before bedtime.  I pray you continue being the kind, funny, loving kids that you are today.  
I love you three so much!!

Friday, June 28, 2019

Fun at the Library

We went to the library this morning!  You three had fun playing on the computers.  Your favorite game was the painting with your finger game.  Afterwards, we picked out some books, played on the giant Lite Brite wall, and discovered these cool tiles!  Mommy is loving this time with you guys!

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Rainbow in Our Backyard

We had to rush home from the pool today because of bad weather.  During dinner, the rain was really coming down, and then the sun quickly came out, and a beautiful rainbow formed in our backyard.  It was absolutely amazing, and such a sweet moment!  I'm still searching for that pot of gold, though. ;)

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Fun in Dulac

We had a fun weekend at the camp!  Joseph enjoyed driving the boat, and Caroline enjoyed pressing the horn.  Catherine was somewhat nervous for some reason on this boat ride, but I think she still enjoyed it.  She held on to her hat with one hand, and she protected Caroline with her other arm all the way home.  Sweet sister :)
There was no cable this weekend, so there was plenty of down time.  Mommy got in not one but TWO naps on Sunday!  What a nice treat!
Thanks for a fun weekend Mimi and Pop Pop!  
This was our Father's Day celebration since we didn't get together last weekend!

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Happy 90th Birthday Granny and Uncle Moonie!

Today was such a special day.  Granny and Uncle Moonie turned 90 YEARS OLD!  
We went to lunch with Granny, Mimi, Pop Pop, Say Say, and your cousins.  Then we went to Aunt Catherine and Uncle Moonie's house for cake.  You all had so much fun playing, discovering the new toys that were there, and eating cake. 
Granny and Uncle Moonie are so close and are lots of fun to be around.  I am so blessed that I was able to celebrate this special birthday with them.  We love you Granny and Uncle Moonie!


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