Saturday, September 28, 2019

St. Jude Soccer

Today was the first (and only) soccer clinic at St. Jude!  Daddy is coaching the purple team, and Catherine is so excited about this! (Excited about Daddy being her coach AND being on the purple team!)  She was a little shy at first, but warmed up.  Daddy did a GREAT JOB coaching!!
Can't wait to play some games against the other Pre-K teams!  And can't wait for some cooler weather!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Snow Castle for St. Jude Book Fair

All St. Jude students were asked to create a snow castle, snowman, or igloo to help decorate the library for the book fair.  The theme of the book fair was "There's SNOW much to read!"
Mommy and Catherine worked hard on our creation!  I'm SNOW proud of my girl!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Catherine's Birthday Celebration at St. Jude

Today we celebrated your birthday at school.  Mommy and Daddy ate lunch with you in the cafeteria.  Then Mommy returned at 2:15 with cupcakes for your class. They were vanilla cupcakes with white icing, sprinkles, and candy flowers on top.  Your friends sang "Happy Birthday" to you, and your face lit up!  I'm so thankful Mrs. Driesse invited us to celebrate with you.  

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Joseph's First Major Accident

Joseph had his first major accident tonight.  While taking a bath, you slipped and hit your head.  The skin right above your right eye opened up and bled for a good while.  Luckily, Catherine had a wellness check the next day, so Dr. Guidroz was able to look at your cut and closed it up with some skin glue.  It looks so much better now!  

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Happy 4th Birthday Catherine!

Happy 4th birthday Catherine!  We had a busy day celebrating!  Your first morning of soccer at St. Jude was today (it ended up being canceled!), but we went anyway and you played with several of your school friends. Mommy and Daddy got to meet several of their parents, too!
Then, we went to Barnes & Noble and let you pick out a book, and you picked How to Catch a Unicorn.  We went to Elton's birthday party where Caroline and Joseph rode a pony and pet some animals.  After naps, we brought you three to Build-A-Bear to make your own birthday bear.  You requested BRQ for dinner, so we had dinner there.  Afterwards, we sang "Happy Birthday" to you as you blew out a candle in your ice cream.  We hope you know how special you are and how much you are loved!! 

Last night as a 3-year-old!

Happy birthday!!

Mommy and Daddy gave you a bike for your birthday...

…and a glow-in-the-dark pillow

Soccer Clinic at St. Jude was canceled, but we still had fun playing!

We went to Elton's birthday party, and there was a petting zoo!

We brought you to Build-A-Bear for the first time.  You made a birthday bear and named it Corduroy.

You wanted a burger from BRQ for dinner.

We had a late birthday celebration with Teita and Jeddo since they were out of town for your birthday party and actual birthday.  We had dinner and brownies at Ray Ray and Aunt Natalie's house.  You were excited about your purple balloons!

Friday, September 20, 2019

Joseph and Caroline's First Day of Soccer Shots

You two were so excited to begin Soccer Shots today after school!  You both have the same coaches that Catherine had last year, Coach Shane and Coach Jessica.  
We can't wait to see what you learn this season! 

Monday, September 16, 2019


Thank you for giving Catherine "Isabella" for her birthday!  She loves that Isabella has a matching St. Jude uniform! (There is a little girl named Isabella in Catherine's Pre-K class, so we think she named her doll after her.)

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Catherine's 4th Birthday Party

We celebrated Catherine's 4th birthday today at Mudpies & Masterpieces!  You and your friends had fun painting Mike the Tiger.  We celebrated the weekend before your actual birthday thinking everyone could be there (Mimi and Pop Pop are leaving for Hawaii on September 18th!).  However, Joe Joe and Teita took a last minute trip to Lebanon, and Jeddo went to Acapulco.  We are excited to celebrate with them when they return.
Mommy and Daddy love you more than we can put into words.  You take our breath away with your funny comments, sweet hugs, and amazing vocabulary at times.  We love you Catherine Ann!  
Happy birthday Lovebug!!!!


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