Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Happy Half-Birthday Joseph and Caroline!

Catherine made presents for Joseph and Caroline for their half-birthday.  Sweet girl!

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Father's Day 2020

Catherine wrote the letters and drew some hearts, and Caroline and Joseph added the rest to make Daddy this special Father's Day sign.

We stopped by Teita and Jeddo's to wish Jeddo a Happy Father's Day.

And then we stopped by MiMi and Pop Pop's house.  It sure is nice to have them in Baton Rouge!

We LOVE you Daddy!  You are loving, adventurous, hard-working, fun, and the best Daddy I could have imagined for my babies.  Thank you for being the man that you are. 

Fifty-Seven Months Old

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Mommy has COVID-19

Mommy started feeling bad on Sunday, but I thought it was a sinus infection.  I also lost my sense of taste and smell.  My doctor tested me for Coronavirus, and I found out today the test came back positive.  Now I need to quarantine for 10 more days! Thankfully, I'm not feeling very bad.  Just a little short of break and tired with some nasal congestion. I'm very thankful!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Daddy is No Longer in Quarantine!

When Daddy was diagnosed with COVID-19 on May 23, he was quarantined and had to stay upstairs.  We couldn't hug him or go near him, and he only came downstairs a few times with his mask on.  We got to hug him for the first time today, and it felt so good!!  He left his mask on because Mommy was still a little nervous about him being contagious.  
Update: Daddy was able to take his mask off and stay downstairs with us on Wednesday, the next day. 


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