Monday, November 30, 2020

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Meeting Baby Camilla

We met sweet Camilla today!  She was eleven days old and the sweetest little thing.  She was so tiny!  You three talked to her a little bit and loved looking at her.  We are so happy to welcome a new cousin into our family! Congratulations Ray Ray and Aunt Natalie!


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

We had a great Thanksgiving this year.  We had lunch at Mimi and Pop Pop's house, and we had dinner at Teita and Jeddo's house.  Granny couldn't leave St. Joseph Manor due to COVID, so we certainly missed her.  You guys had fun decorating Oreo turkeys, playing upstairs with your cousins, and Mommy had fun playing Scrabble with Grace.  I am so thankful for Daddy and for all of you.  You are all I ever dreamed of, and I love you more than I can possibly say!   Happy Thanksgiving my little turkeys!


Saturday, November 21, 2020

Friday, November 20, 2020

Callaway Gardens--- Fantasy in Lights

We went to Fantasy in Lights at Callaway Gardens, and it was MAGICAL!  Mommy went to Callaway Gardens as a kid for summer family vacations, but I'd never been this time of year.  It was beautiful!  We rode the Holly Trolley twice and took our van twice for a total of four times seeing the Christmas lights (it took an hour to ride through).  Our favorite lights were the Winter Wonderland and the giant field of lights at the end.  They were STUNNING!  We made some awesome memories these past few days.  We came home just in time to spend Thanksgiving with our family.  You guys were sad to leave, but I have a feeling we'll be back!



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