Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Round Top 2021

Sarah and I took our very first roadtrip (just the two of us) this weekend!  We left Sunday afternoon and came back Wednesday around 1:00.  We went to Round Top and had so much fun.  We shopped til we dropped.  Sarah found a beautiful mirror for her dining room, a nightstand, and a couple of smaller things.  I found two planters for my front porch, a wooden table and chair, a vintage train print for Joseph's room, and a few smaller things.  It was great getting away and spending that time with Sarah.  We don't do that often enough.  Hopefully we'll get to go on another sister getaway soon!


Saturday, March 27, 2021

Egg Hunt at the Teliches

What a fun afternoon at the Teliches!  The kids had an egg hunt, threw eggs at the tree, dyed eggs and did other Easter crafts, and Jess boiled delicious crawfish!  We are blessed to have such great friends and to have our kids grow up together.  Happy Easter guys!



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