Friday, June 25, 2021

Knock Knock Museum Fun

You three missed going to the Knock Knock Museum last year when they were closed due to COVID, but they reopened and we finally were able to visit!  You three climbed the books for the first time, and we were so glad MiMi joined us!  Hopefully we can go back again soon.


Sunday, June 20, 2021

Father's Day 2021

We had a special Father's Day today.  We went to mass and sat with MiMi and Pop Pop.  Then we went to Ray Ray and Aunt Natalie's house for lunch.  We ended our day with a visit with MiMi and Pop Pop at their house.  We are all so blessed to have the men we have in our lives.  We love you Daddy, Pop Pop, Jeddo, Uncle Will, Ray Ray, and Joe Joe!

Catherine and her godfather


Saturday, June 19, 2021

Dinner with Chef John Folse

What an amazing experience we had tonight! In celebration of Mike Telich's 40th birthday, they asked Chef John Folse and his team to come to their house and cook for all of us.  The food was delicious, the company was wonderful, and Chef Folse was such a kind man.  The entire evening from beginning to end was just beautiful.  Thank you, Kori and Mike, for an unforgettable night.


Monday, June 14, 2021

St. Jude Vacation Bible School

This week you three attended VBS at St. Jude.  Catherine was in the yellow group (1st-4th Grade), and Joseph and Caroline were in the purple group (Pre-K and K).  You had a lot of fun learning that You Are Treasured.  Mommy taught a Kindergarten group, so I was able to watch you three sing songs and do some of the fun activities.  Caroline and Joseph got to see what their classroom will look like and play on the playground they will be playing on in Pre-K.  They got to meet some new friends, too.  
It was a great week, and we are so thankful things are getting back to normal after such a strange year of COVID.



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