Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Picking Strawberries at Mrs. Heather's Strawberry Patch

It was a gorgeous morning to pick strawberries at Mrs. Heather's Strawberry Patch.  We went first thing in the morning, right when they open at 9:00, and there was barely anyone there.  We were able to pick strawberries and play on all of the equipment with hardly any people around.  The crowd started to pick up around 10:30 when we were leaving, so we lucked out.  Catherine still didn't like the bugs near the strawberry plants, but all three managed to pick enough strawberries to fill your $10 buckets.  Joseph's favorite thing to do was the zip line.  This was the first time he felt brave enough to try it!  Caroline's favorite thing was the zip line, too.  Catherine said her favorite thing was the big bouncey.  
Now what are we going to do with all of these strawberries??


Monday, March 21, 2022

Happy Half-Birthday Catherine!

 You're 6 1/2!  You are so smart, funny, beautiful, and love a good joke.  Your giggle is one of my favorite sounds.  I love you Catherine!!

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Caroline and Joseph's Last Pre-K Basketball Game at St. Jude

 Today was Caroline and Joseph's last basketball game.  Catherine went with Mommy to Anna's school play, so she didn't get to play her last game.  Caroline said she didn't score any goals, but she did a great job getting the ball and trying!  Joseph said he scored seven goals, but I have no idea.  ;)

I am so proud of you for trying a new sport and doing your best.  You seemed to love playing and have improved so much.  Way to go my little loves!!

Saturday, March 19, 2022

St. Patrick's Day Parade in BR

What a gorgeous day it was today!  We set out with no plan of where to watch the parade... just our wagon and a few snacks.  We ran into the Harts (again!) and watched the parade with them!  We had so much fun seeing the marching bands, catching all kinds of fun things, seeing Nelly and the world's largest potato, and spending time together.  It was the perfect day!



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