Thursday, June 30, 2022

Happy Half-Birthday Joseph and Caroline! (66 Months)

You two are officially 5 1/2!!  We celebrated with vanilla and chocolate macarroons after dinner.  It is the joy of my life watching all three of you grow and learn each day.  I love you so much!


Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience

After mass and lunch with my side of the family, the five of us drove to New Orleans to go to the Van Gogh Experience.  What a cool thing to do!  We walked into a few rooms with several of Van Gogh's art on the walls.  There was a large room with bean bag chairs, rugs, benches, and chairs for people to sit back and relax.  The entire room, 360 degrees, had changing images of all things Van Gogh.  It was very impressive.  We then walked into a room where you could color Van Gosh sheets and place under a scanner.  Your colored picture was then projected onto the big screen.  Mommy stood in line for a while for the sketch artist to draw a picture of Daddy and the three of you together.  It took QUITE a while, and let's just say, nobody looked like themselves.  But it was a funny memory!
The last thing we did was our favorite.  We did the virtual experience with the white goggles.  It took us through Van Gogh's house, outside his house in the hayfields, and around his community.  This was absolutely amazing and so fun!  Everywhere you looked there was something to see.  You actually felt like you were there.  Joseph loved it right off the bat.  Caroline and Catherine tried it, wanted to stop, but then wanted to try it again after seeing Mommy and Daddy enjoy it.  By the end, we all loved it!
We had a fun afternoon celebrating Daddy.


Father's Day 2022

Mrs. Yvonne made this amazing banner for you three to color for Father's Day.  It took you guys about 4 days to finish it, and it came out beautifully!

We celebrated Father's Day early with Daddy's side because Teita and Jeddo were going to Biloxi for the weekend.  

Mommy bought Daddy a new Masters polo since the one he bought for himself was ruined.

I love you Dad, and I appreciate every day I get to spend with you and Mom.

Best Pop Pop ever!

You each drew a symbol for Pop Pop's socks.  

Best Daddy in the world!  We love you and appreciate everything you do for us.


Saturday, June 18, 2022

Happy 93rd Birthday Granny!

We celebrated Granny's 93rd birthday this morning (a day early) at the Claiborne.  MiMi brought doughnuts and Say Say and I brought balloons, and we had a special time together!  After doughtnuts, we all went into the main room where Grace, Anna, and Catherine played piano.  Then we moved into the game room where Pop Pop taught E and G how to play pool.  We all stayed a while even after Granny went to lunch.  We love Granny so much, and we were so happy to celebrate her today!



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