Friday, September 30, 2022

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Book Character Day

Every year, St. Jude kicks off their Book Fair with Book Character Day.  This year, Catherine went dressed as Eva the Owl from The Owl Diaries, Caroline went dressed as the friendly ladybug from The Grouchy Ladybug, and Joseph went dressed as the dragon from Dragons Love Tacos.  So fun!


Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Happy 7th Birthday Catherine!

Last night of being a six year old.  Why is this always so hard for me?!  I always tear up the night before your birthdays.  My babies are growing so fast.

Mommy and Daddy got you more Perler beads, and science kit and monogrammed lab coat, and a birthstone ring.

Thank you Mrs. Yvonne!

Lunch with our girl

MiMi and Pop Pop gave you BINGO! And a gift card to Barnes and Noble

Teita and Jeddo gave you a glass butterfly and $100

Ray Ray, Aunt Natalie, and Camilla gave you a Fit Bit and a bracelet

Say Say, Uncle Will, and your Faller cousins gave you arts and crafts supplies, including clay and a make-your-own puffy stickers kit


Monday, September 19, 2022

Catherine is Star Student this Week

Catherine was chosen to be Star Student this week!  We had fun going to Hobby Lobby to get our supplies and working on the poster together.  You brought your poster to school on Monday, shared it with your class on Tuesday, and it hung in the classroom all week.  It's now hanging in your room where we can look at it everyday.  Congratulations on being Star Student my girl!


Saturday, September 17, 2022

Catherine's Birthday Party at the Movies

Catherine and her great friend Caroline Owens shared their birthday party this year.  They invited all of the girls in second grade to the movies to watch Super Pets.  The movie was cute, the cake was adorable (from Eloise's on Lee), and you two had a great time with your friends!  How special to share your birthday with one of your best friends.  Happy birthday my sweet girl.  I love you so much.



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