Saturday, September 30, 2023

Friday, September 22, 2023

Candle-Making at TRS

Mom, Sarah, and I took a candle-making class today at The Royal Standard.  It was fun to pick the scent we wanted and to learn the process of how to make a soy candle.  We ate lunch afterwards at the Crown Bistro, and Pop Pop even joined us. Fun day!


Thursday, September 21, 2023

Happy 8th Birthday Catherine!

How is it possible that my first baby girl is 8?!  You are so full of joy.  You are smart and loving, strong and kind, and so funny!  I love your smile.  You love doing cartwheels all over the house, conducting science experiments, playing piano, swimming, and being creative.  Daddy and I are so proud of you and love you to pieces.  I love being your mom.  Happy birthday!!

We celebrated your birthday the weekend before with a party at EDGE.  You loved having free play in the gym with your friends.  You wanted a confetti cake with aqua icing, and Cake Goddess made a delicious one!  
On your actual birthday, we had a fun morning with balloons, gifts, and pancakes shaped into an 8.  Mommy and Daddy met you for lunch at school.  You had Cougarette practice after school, so Mommy brought cookies for you and the other girls to enjoy.  Then our family got together at Curbside for dinner, per your request.  

You are so loved by so many!  We hope you know how special you are and how much we adore you!

Thanks for the $1 bills Aunt Natalie!  Everybody one a stuffed toy!

Julia couldn't come to your birthday party, so you had a play date with her the Friday before.  She gave you this puppy with baby puppies. :)



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