Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, Cody, and Mount Rushmore Trip

 What an amazing trip!!  We left Thursday morning and came back Wednesday afternoon.  We toured Grand Teton National Park, and saw all the sights in Yellowstone.  We spent a night in Cody, Wyoming, to see the rodeo, and ended our trip viewing the beautiful Mount Rushmore Memorial.  All three of you said your favorite thing we did was ride horses near West Yellowstone.  Artist Point was stunning, and seeing Old Faithful and Mount Rushmore was amazing for me.  Making these memories with all of you was my favorite part.  You're all such great travelers, and you were interested in what was all around you.  I'm so thankful we were able to take this trip, that God kept us safe during the trip, and that I got to experience all of its beauty with you.  


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