Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween 2015

What a fun first Halloween!  We trick-or-treated a day early (on Friday) due to bad weather forecasted for Saturday.  Say-Say, Uncle Will, and all of your cousins came over, as well as Mimi, Pop Pop, Teita, and Jeddo.  We walked around the neighborhood, and we ate chili and hot dogs. You dressed up as a little lamb, and Mommy and Daddy dressed up as lambs, too.  Later that night, you and your cousins changed into matching glow-in-the-dark pajamas.  Say-Say bought you a pair to match your cousins.  What a fun night!



Mimi and Pop Pop stayed the night we went trick-or-treating.  The next morning, you and Pop Pop watched his favorite movie, Home Alone, together.   

Monday, October 26, 2015

Catherine Four Week Well Visit

21.75" (69%)
10 lb. 3 oz (72%)
HC 37.5 cm (55%)

Five Weeks Old

You're five weeks old today!  We brought you to see your pediatrician today for a check-up.  You weighed 10.3, which means you've gained a total of 2 lbs. since you were born!  Mommy is happy you are eating so well.  You measured 21 3/4 inches long, so you've grown 1 3/4 inches since birth. You are growing so fast!  You are very alert, too.  When you are in your swing now, you watch the lights and mobile above you.  Love you sweet girl!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Geaux Tigers!

Running Shoes

Daddy and Mommy's friends Ryan and Megan sent you your first pair of running shoes today. New Balances... Daddy's favorite!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

One Month Old

It's hard to believe you are already one month old today.  You are changing and growing so much everyday. You are so loved.



Catherine's First Month Home

Our first month home with you flew by.  You had several visitors come over to meet you, including your Granny and Grandpa and Uncle Joe Joe.  Mimi stayed with us during our first week home and helped with the cooking and cleaning.  She was such a big help and enjoyed getting in some snuggle time with you!  Daddy and I are getting used to waking up throughout the night to feed you.  You are so much fun and bring such happiness to our lives. 

Pop Pop couldn't wait until the weekend to see you.  He drove in after work the day you came home from the hospital to hold you for a couple hours.

Uncle Joe Joe brought you some gifts from Mexico.

Jeddo had a bad cough, so he wore the mask so you wouldn't get sick.
Our first walk around the neighborhood

First doctor's appointment

This was the first time Daddy fed you.  Your pediatrician told me to pump my breastmilk because you were a little underweight at your two week check-up, so Daddy was able to feed you!

We brought you to watch Anna and Charlie play soccer.

Out at your first restaurant-  Sammy's.

At two weeks old, you broke out in a rash/hives. Mommy was worried, but it didn't seem to bother you.  The doctor said to keep an eye on it, but she wasn't too worried.  Thankfully, it went away in two days.  Daddy and I think you had an allergic reaction to something I ate (possibly shrimp!).


Mommy and Daddy read to you every night before bed.

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