Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween 2015

What a fun first Halloween!  We trick-or-treated a day early (on Friday) due to bad weather forecasted for Saturday.  Say-Say, Uncle Will, and all of your cousins came over, as well as Mimi, Pop Pop, Teita, and Jeddo.  We walked around the neighborhood, and we ate chili and hot dogs. You dressed up as a little lamb, and Mommy and Daddy dressed up as lambs, too.  Later that night, you and your cousins changed into matching glow-in-the-dark pajamas.  Say-Say bought you a pair to match your cousins.  What a fun night!



Mimi and Pop Pop stayed the night we went trick-or-treating.  The next morning, you and Pop Pop watched his favorite movie, Home Alone, together.   

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