Monday, September 21, 2015

Happy Birthday Catherine!

You're finally here! You arrived on Monday, September 21st, at 1:39 P.M.  You were 8 pounds 3 ounces, and you were 20 inches long.  Mommy was in labor for 12 hours.  I cannot put into words the instant love and joy I felt when I first saw you and held you. Daddy and I feel so blessed that God chose us to be your parents.  Welcome to the world sweet Catherine Ann.

Say-Say was in the delivery room with us and captured these special moments for us.  I am so thankful she took these pictures.  I will never forget this day.  Happy birthday Catherine.

                                                                               Day 2

Mimi brought me these flowers in the hospital.  The glass container was given to her while in the hospital when I was born 33 years ago.  So special!

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