Thursday, January 21, 2016

Four Months Old

Mommy and Daddy took you to your four month wellness check-up this morning.  Everything looks great!  Your height was 26.25" (98%), your weight was 15.3 lbs (83%), and your head circumference was 41.5 cm (67%).  You received two shots and one oral vaccine.  You cried for just a couple of seconds, but you handled all three vaccines like a trooper!


You slept most of the afternoon after your vaccines. 

Since you were so sleepy yesterday, Mommy took your four month pictures a day late.  Mommy and Daddy took you to Me-Me's in New Orleans today to buy you some clothes, so I dressed you up in your pretty Mardi Gras dress.  Aunt Linda and Natalie were there to love on you!  They gave you some beautiful things to wear.  You are so loved! 

What a silly face!




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