Thursday, June 30, 2016

Crawling Forward!

You started crawling forward today Way to go sweet girl!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Forty Weeks Old

Today you turned 40 weeks old!  Since Mommy is having bad morning sickness (all-day sickness) carrying these babies, you spent the day with Teita and Jeddo.  You loved watching Jeddo make garlic paste!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Pressing on Buttons

You love pushing all of the buttons on this toy.  Mommy and Daddy love the faces you make when pressing the buttons!


You said "mama" for the first time today.  This melts Mama's heart!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Catherine Nine Month Well Visit

29" (92%)
22 lb. 2 oz. (93%)
HC 46 cm (94%)

Nine Months Old

Mommy can't believe you are nine months old already!!  You are growing so fast.  Daddy and I brought you for a Wellness Check on your nine month birthday.  Your height was 29" (92%), your weight was 22.2 lbs (93%), and your head circumference was 46 cm (94%).  We can't get over how big you are!  You are fitting into 18 month clothes and we are about to move you up to size 4 diapers.  The doctor asked us to increase your table food and decrease your formula intake to 15-20 oz per day.  No shots today!  We love you sweet girl.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy First Father's Day Daddy!

We celebrated Daddy's first Father's Day today!  Since we just got home from vacation yesterday, we stayed home today and played.  You love your Daddy so much!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Thirty-Eight Weeks Old

You turned 38 weeks when we were on vacation in Watersound.  Daddy and I took your pictures on the front porch of our beach house.  We love you!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Watersound 2016

Elizabeth and Grace had fun feeding you meals and bottles this week!

What a fun Pop Pop!


Pop Pop loved showing you and all of your cousins Popeye videos!

Breakfast at the Donut Hole



Mommy's little mermaid :)

Silly faces!


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