Monday, June 6, 2016


What a day!!!  Mommy went to her first doctor's appointment today to check on your little brother/little sister.  Dr. Chapman called this morning and rescheduled my ultrasound for this morning, so Daddy was unable to make it.  (He was in New Orleans for work.)  So, Mommy brought you with her to her doctor's appointment by herself.  When the ultrasound technician rubbed her wand over Mommy's tummy, I immediately saw TWO babies!!  I was shocked!!!  I yelled out, "That's two babies!! That's two!!"  I was shaking and wanted Daddy to be there so badly.  After meeting with my doctor and doing all of my lab work, I drove home.  I couldn't stop shaking and crying.  (You were so good during my appointment, by the way!)  I called Daddy and asked him to come home as soon as he could.  When he got home, I showed him the ultrasound picture.  He dropped it, along with his jaw, and was speechless.  You are going to be the big sister to TWO babies!! 

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