Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Visit With Santa 2016

Daddy and I brought you to see Santa Claus early this year.  You didn't mind looking at Santa from a distance, but when we placed you on his lap, you were terrified!  You screamed and cried and wanted to get away from him!  Hopefully next year you will like Santa a little better. :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Thirty-Three Week Ultrasound

Daddy, Catherine, and I cannot wait to meet you and kiss on your little noses!!
Here is Baby Caroline's profile...

and here is Baby Joseph's profile.  :)

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Visit to See White Pelicans at LSU Lakes

Every year, a flock of white pelicans fly to their winter home at the LSU lakes.  They are so beautiful, and Daddy and I decided to take you to see them.  You loved watching them and kept pointing and smiling at them.  After bird watching for a while, we brought you to see the tiger statue on campus.  When we left, we went pick up Grace so that Say-Say could bring Elizabeth Christmas shopping, and we went to Teita and Jeddo's for a late breakfast.  It was a fun Saturday morning!


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! On Thanksgiving Day, we all went down the bayou to Aunt Frances' house for lunch.  You loved eating all of the yummy Thanksgiving foods, especially the ham and macaroni and cheese!  Pop Pop gave you some of his carrot cake for dessert, too.  :)  You had fun playing with your cousins and seeing Pop Pop, Granny, Aunt Frances, Jaime, Say-Say, and Uncle Will!  Mimi had a stomach bug and didn't want to get anyone sick, so she didn't make it to lunch this year.  Even though we missed her very much, we still had a great day!

Tio Joe flew in Thanksgiving Day around lunch, so we spent the weekend visiting with him and Teita, Jeddo, and Uncle Ray Ray.  You loved spending time with your entire family this weekend!  You have so many people who love you!





Monday, November 21, 2016

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Happy Friendsgiving!

Uncle Mike and Koko had us over, along with some other friends, for an early Thanksgiving feast.  We had turkey, green bean casserole, oyster dressing, sweet potato casserole, homemade rolls, pumpkin cheesecake, pecan  pie, and homemade ice cream.  Everything was delicious!  Daddy and I are so blessed to have such wonderful friends!  Say-Say and Grace came over to our house to stay with you while Daddy and I went to dinner.  We are so blessed to have such wonderful family, too. 

Say-Say and Grace had fun staying with you while Mommy and Daddy went to Friendsgiving. 
They love you so much! 

You love a good book, especially when one of your cousins reads it to you!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Music Class

Mommy began taking you to music class once a week starting in September.  When we first started going, you were very shy and would not move much.  You would sit right in front of me and just watch everyone.  After a few weeks of going, you began to warm up.  Now, you are shaking your egg shakers, bouncing around on your bottom, "singing", and having a blast!  I love spending this time with you! 
You can't tell by the look on your face, but you LOVE music class!

Julia goes to music class, too!

"Blow on your Eggs"

Happy Anniversary Mimi and Pop Pop!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November Pictures

You love spending time with your Say-Say!

Breakfast at Another Broken Egg

You think it's funny to find Mommy's belly button since it's poking out!

Lunch in Houma at Hebert's

Date night at the St. Jude Auction-  30 weeks pregnant


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