Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! On Thanksgiving Day, we all went down the bayou to Aunt Frances' house for lunch.  You loved eating all of the yummy Thanksgiving foods, especially the ham and macaroni and cheese!  Pop Pop gave you some of his carrot cake for dessert, too.  :)  You had fun playing with your cousins and seeing Pop Pop, Granny, Aunt Frances, Jaime, Say-Say, and Uncle Will!  Mimi had a stomach bug and didn't want to get anyone sick, so she didn't make it to lunch this year.  Even though we missed her very much, we still had a great day!

Tio Joe flew in Thanksgiving Day around lunch, so we spent the weekend visiting with him and Teita, Jeddo, and Uncle Ray Ray.  You loved spending time with your entire family this weekend!  You have so many people who love you!





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