Saturday, September 30, 2017

Baking Muffins

This morning, you but on your apron (the one we got you for your 2nd birthday), and you helped Mommy make muffins for breakfast.  You love using the measuring cups to pour ingredients into the bowl, and you love mixing the batter.  You are such a big helper!

Bubble Bath in Mommy and Daddy's Tub

Friday, September 29, 2017

Caroline Said "Mama!"

Caroline finally said "Mama!" today.  It was music to my ears!  You said it while you were eating your lunch.  Now, I'm waiting for Jospeh to say it.  Come on Buddy!

Thirty-Nine Weeks Old

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

It's Pop Pop's Boat

"Baa Baa Black Sheep" Duet

Shopping for Antique Doors

Daddy and I, along with Mike and KoKo, went to Ricca's in New Orleans today to look for antique doors.  (Mimi and Pop Pop came over to babysit the three of you!)  We found a door for our pantry, and two doors for our living room.  We can't wait to see them in our new house!  

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Friday, September 22, 2017

Thirty-Eight Weeks Old

Catherine Two Year Well Check

36.5" (99%)
31 lb (91%)
HC 19.09"  (77%)

Hepatitis A vaccine, IMM43 Flu vaccine

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Happy 2nd Birthday Catherine!

Happy 2nd birthday to our smart, sweet, funny, extremely cautious, helpful, hummus-loving, nursery rhyme singing Catherine!  The past two years since you were born have been the BEST years of my life.  You have taught me so much about love, strength, determination, "letting things go", multi-tasking, and much more.  I cannot put into words how much I love you and how proud of you I am.  You are speaking so well, you know how to count to 16, you know pretty much every nursery rhyme Mommy has taught you, you love painting with watercolors, and you love helping around the house. You love going to church at St. Jude and seeing Jesus, Father Trey, saying "Peace", saying The Our Father prayer, and eating your Cheerios during the homily.  You are still very shy when you go somewhere new, see something new, or try something new.  You say "Please" and "Thank you", love your bunny crackers for your morning snack, and just began wearing 3T clothes and size 7 shoe.  I feel so blessed that God chose me to be your Mommy.  Happy birthday Doodlebug!  Mommy, Daddy, Joseph, and Caroline love you so much!!

We celebrated your birthday the weekend before your actual birthday.  Your party was at The Little Gym, and you had a blast!  Most of your friends were there, as well as most of your family.  (The Faller Six couldn't make it because Elizabeth and Grace had a stomach bug. :(  )  You have so many people who love you!

On your actual birthday, Mommy and Daddy woke you up singing the "Happy Birthday" song.  We gave you your presents when we came downstairs, and after a quick breakfast, got dressed for the day.  We brought you, your brother, and your sister to the Aquarium in New Orleans.  Mimi, Pop Pop, Teita, and Jeddo met us there.  Mommy and Daddy thought you were going to love seeing all of the fish and other sea creatures, but you were terrified!  There was a diver cleaning inside the first aquarium you saw, and his suit scared you.  You never recovered and stayed afraid throughout the aquarium.  The only exhibit you liked was the penguins... and you liked looking at the window at the boats in the Mississippi River.  

After a quick walk through the Aquarium, we all walked to Gordon Buersch for lunch.  You enjoyed that MUCH better!  They brought you an Oreo ice cream cake with a candle, and we sang "Happy Birthday" to you.  You and your brother and sister fell right to sleep on the way home!

That evening, Say-Say, Uncle Will, Elizabeth, Grace, Charlie, and Anna came over for dinner and cupcakes.  You were so excited they came over!  You love playing with your cousins!

Here are some pictures from your birthday celebrations!

Mimi and Pop Pop gave you a pink tricycle!

"I am doctor!"
Thanks for the gift Brett, Megan, and Sam!

First restaurant for Joseph and Caroline-  Albasha's

Last night as a one-year-old!  :(

Last time I tucked you in as a one-year-old!

Happy birthday Catherine!!  Checking out your gifts!

Thank you for my singing teapot, magnet builders, and balloons!


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