Friday, September 15, 2017

Thirty-Seven Weeks Old

Happy 37 weeks my babies!  You are both eating 3 6oz. bottles and 1 8 oz. bottle a day, eating fruit for breakfast, an orange veggie for lunch, and a green veggie for dinner.  You both have two bottom teeth, and you are trying to figure out how to crawl.  Joseph wants whatever toy Caroline has.  :)  You are going through a phase where when you are left alone, you scream and cry until someone comes back to sit with you.  Mommy and Daddy moved Caroline's bed upstairs this week because you sleep through the night and Joseph wakes up.  It's working great!  Caroline is sleeping from 7-7, and Joseph still wakes up once or twice but goes back to sleep when you give him his nook.  He sleeps from 7-7 usually!  Caroline is still spitting up quite a bit... lots of laundry happening here.  You are both happy babies, and you light up when you see your big sister!  Catherine loves making you laugh, helping Mommy bathe you, and singing Pat-a-cake with you.  Caroline cracks up whenever she sees Catherine jumping in the red bouncy or splashing water in the tub.  It sounds like Caroline is babbling "Da da da", even though I encourage her to say "Ma ma ma" everyday!  We love you two so much!

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