Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas 2017

Merry Christmas, and Merry 1st Christmas to Joseph and Caroline!  We had a wonderful weekend with our family!  On Saturday, we had lunch and exchanged gifts at Say-Say's house.  We all went to mass at St. Jude afterwards.  Granny came, too!  On Sunday, which was Christmas Eve, we made a gingerbread house together.  Later, Catherine and I went to Christmas Eve mass with the Fallers and Mimi and Pop Pop at Most Blessed Sacrament, while Daddy brought Joseph and Caroline to Teita and Jeddo's house (Joseph and Caroline were very squirmy at church on Saturday, so we decided to wait until next year to bring them to Christmas Eve mass).  Then, everyone came to our house, and we ate ham sandwiches before Pop Pop read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.  Mimi and Pop Pop stayed overnight here, and spent Christmas morning with us.  Teita, Jeddo, and Ray Ray came over Christmas Day around 11:00 and spent the entire day with us here.  KoKo and Uncle Mike came by for a quick visit Christmas Day, too.  We had a relaxing day playing with all of your new toys and relaxing.  Merry Christmas.  Daddy and I feel so blessed to have the three of you to celebrate Christmas with!

Mommy, Grace, and Elizabeth wear the same size shoe now.  CRAZY!

Great job!!

Mommy and Catherine leaving milk and sugar cookies out for Santa.

Merry Christmas!!

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