Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Catherine's Beanstalk Appeared!

Last week, at the Knock Knock Museum, you all heard the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.  After the story, all of the children went outside, decorated a cup, and planted "magic seeds", which were really white beans.  We watered it when we got home, placed it on the window sill in the kitchen, and it finally sprouted today.  You were so excited!

Catherine Writes "Mom" for the First Time

Catherine was drawing on her mat, and she told me she was going to write my name.  Then, she said, "How do you spell it?" So I told her "M", and she drew the "m".  Then I told her "o" and "m".  She drew the "o" to the side, and then drew another "m".   It may be hard for others to see what you wrote, but I see it!  I am so proud of you my girl!!

Monday, April 23, 2018

Joseph Loves Music

All three of you love going to music class.  You love shaking the instruments, tapping the sticks together, and dancing around.  Today, Joseph was fascinated by Mrs. Sonia's guitar.  You wanted to play it while she was playing "The Goodbye Song", so she let you "help" her.  My boy loves music!!

Friday, April 20, 2018

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Caroline and Joseph's First Trip to the Knock Knock Museum

Mimi and Mommy took all three of you to the Knock Knock Museum this morning.  This was Caroline and Joseph's first trip there.  We pushed the babies around in the stroller while Catherine did a few activities (the cars, story time, painting, the Cafe'...).  Catherine planted a white bean after she heard the story of "Jack and the Beanstalk".  Then, we decided to bring all of you to the "Crawbaby" area, and you all LOVED IT!  You were able to crawl around, climb some stairs, slide, sit in a boat, and do lots of other things.  What a fun morning!  Thanks for coming with us MiMi!

Update 6/13/18: The white bean Catherine planted has grown and grown, and it actually grew a pod!  Way to go Catherine!

Friday, April 13, 2018

Catherine's First Plane Ride- to Mexico City We Go!

Daddy's 40th birthday wish was for us to bring all of you to Mexico City to meet your Teita Grande.  We felt that Caroline and Joseph were still too young to travel that far, so we just brought Catherine.  We had a wonderful time meeting many family members on your Teita's side of the family.  Catherine loved wearing her pink headphones on the plane and watching "Frozen" and "Doc McStuffins" during the flight.  There were no tears at all... but she asked Mommy to carry her onto the plane for all but one of the flights.  She wasn't sure about going through security, either, but she did great!  When she got to Joe Joe's house, Catherine said, "What a beautiful hotel!"  I had to explain to her that it wasn't a hotel and that it was Joe Joe's house.  :)  What a wonderful trip!


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