Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to our three bunnies!  You each left a big fat carrot out for the Easter Bunny, along with a cup of milk, the night before Easter morning.  When you all woke up, you had fun looking in your Easter baskets and seeing what the Easter Bunny brought you! 
Daddy made pancakes, while Mommy turned them into bunnies for breakfast.  Afterwards, we all go dressed and went to mass at St. Jude.  We sat next to the Teliches and Chapmans, and Ray Ray showed up, too!  He came over and spent the day at our house, and we picked up some food from Fresh Market.  Teita came over later in the afternoon.  What a fun day with our three lovebugs!

Catherine kept saying days before Easter that she wanted the Easter Bunny to bring her a PB&J sandwich.  Well, around lunch time today, her wish came true!  The doorbell rang, and when Catherine opened the door, there was a pb&j sandwich on the door mat with a note from Easter Bunny!  What a surprise!!  

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