Thursday, August 30, 2018

Catherine's Postcard From Her Teachers

Catherine received a postcard from her teachers today, and she was so excited!  We can't wait for MDO to begin next week!

Twenty Months Old

You two are looking so grown up these days!  Time slow down please!  You both love to sing songs (the parts you remember), you like building with blocks, doing small puzzles, and reading books.  Caroline still likes beans and fruit over anything else to eat, and Joseph is turning out to be a great eater.  You are both so happy, and you are so loved.  

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Catherine's Sleeping in Her Big Girl Bed

Tonight, we put railings on each side of Catherine's big girl bed, and Catherine slept in it for the first time!  You were so excited, and you slept in it all night.  Great job big girl!

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Catherine Meets Her Teachers at MDO

Last night, Mommy went to Open House at Jefferson Baptist where I met your teacher, got some information, and saw your classroom.  This morning, Mommy, Joseph, and Caroline went with you to meet your two teachers at MDO.  You walked right in and said, "Hi everybody!"  I'm not sure if anyone heard you, but I sure did.  You walked around the room, read some books, played with a few toys, colored, and talked to a few of the other kids there.  Mrs. Rachel and Mrs. Dana were excited to meet you!  We are excited about you starting school next week!  It's going to be a great year!

Joseph's First Haircut

Joseph got his FIRST haircut today!!  Wow- this was a hard decision.  Should we let it grow or cut it? We have been asking ourselves this question for a few months now. Many family members and friends wanted us to let it grow, while other family members, especially Pop Pop, wanted us to cut it.  Mommy and Daddy love your curls!!  When it gets extra humid outside, your curls get really tight and they are beautiful!  Lately, your hair has been getting a little out of hand, and we decided it was time to cut it.  We brought you to Pigtails and Crewcuts, and you sat in the Firetruck chair.  You did not cry one tear... you did great!  We are so glad we decided to cut it because we love your haircut!!  Now Mommy needs to figure out how to gel and style your still curly hair.  I need a little practice!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Joseph and Caroline's First Vacation

We brought Joseph and Caroline on their first vacation this weekend!  We went to Orange Beach, and we stayed at Turquoise Place.  We stayed in a four bedroom condo that had a huge balcony that overlooked the beach.  MiMi and Pop Pop stayed in the master, Catherine stayed in her own room and slept on the bottom of a bunk bed, Caroline slept in a pack n play in our closet, and Joseph slept in a pack in play in the fourth bedroom's closet.  You all did so well traveling to and from the beach.  On the first night, we ate dinner at The Gulf.  Joseph LOVED the beans and rice he had, and Caroline kept smiling BIG so that Pop Pop would give her more cheesecake.  All three of you LOVED the beach, although Joseph and Caroline weren't sure about playing in it at first.  We had fun building sand castles, scooping sand into buckets, floating in the lazy river, and swimming in the pool.  What a fun vacation!  We're so thankful MiMi and Pop Pop were able to join us, too.


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