Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Joseph's First Haircut

Joseph got his FIRST haircut today!!  Wow- this was a hard decision.  Should we let it grow or cut it? We have been asking ourselves this question for a few months now. Many family members and friends wanted us to let it grow, while other family members, especially Pop Pop, wanted us to cut it.  Mommy and Daddy love your curls!!  When it gets extra humid outside, your curls get really tight and they are beautiful!  Lately, your hair has been getting a little out of hand, and we decided it was time to cut it.  We brought you to Pigtails and Crewcuts, and you sat in the Firetruck chair.  You did not cry one tear... you did great!  We are so glad we decided to cut it because we love your haircut!!  Now Mommy needs to figure out how to gel and style your still curly hair.  I need a little practice!

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