Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Happy Birthday Anna and Charlie!

We celebrated Anna and Charlie's birthday today at their LEGO party.  We went to Ava Hargroder's 1st birthday party before, and it was a donut party, so y'all were pretty sugared-up!  Andrea was in visiting, so she came with us!  You three had so much fun playing with your cousins, Mimi, and Pop Pop.  Joseph had a runny nose and wasn't feeling too well, but still had a great time.  Happy birthday A and C!

Friday, January 25, 2019

Fun at the Knock Knock

Daddy's cousin, Andrea, came to Baton Rouge for a visit.  While Catherine was at school, she and I brought Caroline and Joseph to the Knock Knock Museum.  We had fun playing with the cars, dancing, grocery shopping, painting, walking over the bridge, and making bubbles.  

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Monday, January 21, 2019

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Friday, January 11, 2019

Our Piano is Here

Mommy and Say Say took piano lessons when we were young, and this is the piano we played.  It has been at Mimi and Pop Pop's house, and today it was delivered to our house!  Mimi and Pop Pop agreed we could have it.  I have so many memories of practicing on this piano in the dining room on Chantilly Drive and playing songs at Christmas for our family.  I hope one day each of you with take piano lessons and enjoy playing like I did (and still do sometimes!). 

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Caroline and Joseph's First Day at Little Gym

Mommy brought Joseph and Caroline to the Little Gym for the first time today.  We joined the Tuesday 9:15 class, so we go right after dropping Catherine off at Mother's Day Out.  You both weren't too sure about all the other kids and all of the action, but you warmed up after being there a little while.  Joseph wouldn't let me put him down, and Caroline stayed close by.  By the end of class, you were both climbing over things, rolling the balls, and Caroline was excited to get stamps.  Can't wait until next week!
Mrs. Megan, a lady Mommy knows, snapped this picture of her daughter, Adair.  She sent it to me since we were in the background.  Thanks Mrs. Megan!

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Happy 2nd Birthday Party Caroline and Joseph

We celebrated Caroline and Joseph's 2nd birthday today with a Tutus and Choo-Choos party.  All of your friends and family came to our house, and we had so much fun playing in our new driveway!  We had tutus and train hats and whistles to give out, we had chips and a sandwich tray, and we had birthday cake with birthday cake ice cream.  We hope you had a wonderful time with all the people you love!


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