Tuesday, January 1, 2019

January Pictures

The Hargroders gave Joseph this train for his birthday, and he LOVES it!!  He is mesmerized!

Thanks for flying in for our party Joe Joe!

This light-up painting kit is so cool! Thanks Mr. Marlon and Mrs. Karina!

Date Night at Ichiban's!

Yummy!  We roasted marshmallows in our fireplace.  Catherine and Caroline loved them, but Joseph didn't.  He didn't like the burned part.  Next time we will make smores!

Catherine brought ice cream for the letter "I".

Catherine and Bundle making a picture.

Fake snow

Catherine made this sun all by herself!

Woah!  Great job Joseph and Daddy!


Catherine was the flag holder at school.

Lunch at Hebert's in Houma!

Catherine making a bracelet at school.

My prayer is that you always love each other, are there for each other, and respect each other.  We love you three so very much!!

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