Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Hello Acapulco!

Daddy and I went on vacation to Acapulco for three nights.  Mimi stayed with you guys for two nights, and Teita stayed over the third night.  We had a relaxing time getting massages, reading books, swimming, and eating Maria Isabella's delicious food.  We had a wonderful time, but we really missed you all! 

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Bye Miss Katie!

Our second babysitter, Miss Katie, is moving to NYC.  She has been with us since December 2017, and we are sad to see her go!  We love you Miss Katie, and we thank you for all you have done to help our family.  We wish you all the best on your new adventure!!

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Willow Grove Mardi Gras Parade

Hail King Mike and Queen KoKo! They were asked to be the King and Queen of the Willow Grove Mardi Gras parade this year!  They asked Catherine and Jacob to ride with MK in the parade with them.  Mommy bought you some Moon pies to throw, and KoKo provided the beads.  You were nervous to ride at first, but you warmed up and started throwing things to the crowd.  What a fun afternoon!!  Mimi was sick at home, and Teita and Jeddo were in Mexico, but Pop Pop made it to the parade to catch a Moon pie! And of course Mommy, Daddy, Caroline, Joseph, Say Say, Uncle Will, and your cousins were all there, too!


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