Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving 2019

We had a fun and busy Thanksgiving this year!  We had an early morning doing the Turkey Trot downtown BR.  Then we showered up, changed, and went to Say Say and Uncle Will's house for lunch.  Y'all had so much fun playing with your cousins in their backyard!  Later, we went to Teita and Jeddo's house for dinner.  Joe Joe came in town, so we had a nice time visiting with him, along with Ray Ray and Aunt Natalie.  Mommy and Daddy are so thankful for you three little turkeys!

The day after Thanksgiving, we went back to Teita and Jeddo's house.  Since Joe Joe, Teita, and Jedoo will all be in Acapulco for Christmas, and Ray Ray and Natalie will be in Minnesota, they gave you three your Christmas presents early.  Teita and Jeddo gave Catherine an Ezy Roller, and they gave Joseph and Caroline roller racers.

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