Friday, December 13, 2019

Christmas in the Oaks/the Roosevelt/Teddy Bear Tea

We had a fun weekend in New Orleans with our friends!  We went to Christmas in the Oaks Friday night, stayed at the Roosevelt Hotel and looked at Christmas decorations Saturday morning, and went to the Teddy Bear Tea (11:30) Saturday morning.  Mimi and Pop Pop met us Saturday, and Mimi came to the tea with us while the men went eat at Drago's.  Catherine loved the marshmallows, and you all loved listening to Mrs. Claus read The Night Before Christmas.  You took a picture with the Sugar Plum Fairy and Rudolph, too!  Mommy's friend, Anne Watson, her mom, Mrs. Jennifer, and Anne's daughter, Julia, joined us at our table.  I'm so glad they joined us!!  
Sweet memories were made this weekend.  
What a special Christmas!

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