Wednesday, January 1, 2020

January Pictures

First day back after Christmas break.  You were ready to go!
Lunch at Albasha's while Joe Joe was in town
Look who got the baby!

Catherine made a sign for Molly's door.

I found the three of you playing Memory all by yourselves.  Proud Mommy moment!

Honoring Anne Boudreaux and Baby Luke at Anne's Baby Shower in Thibodaux.  
We love you Baby Luke!

Free Dress Day at school for sending in Box Tops!  Pajamas were allowed, so she wanted to wear her Mardi Gras pajamas!

This is the face Joseph makes when we go through the carwash.  ;)

After Church and Sunday School

Catherine was off of school due to Parent/Teacher Conferences, so we enjoyed a picnic outside while Caroline and Joseph were at school.  Mommy loves when I'm able to spend one-on-one time with each of you!

Nice work Jess!

King cake party at Betsy's house

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