Sunday, March 8, 2020

Happy 38th Birthday Mommy!

I had such a wonderful 38th birthday this weekend!  Mommy and Daddy went out to dinner at Chow Yum Phat with some friends Saturday night.  It's always fun being with these ladies!  On Sunday, my actual birthday, we went to brunch at Rouj Creole with MiMi and Pop Pop, Say Say and Uncle Will, and your cousins.  Everyone came here after, and we ate cake and played.  MiMi and Pop Pop officially moved some things in to their new house today, too! :)

After our family left, we went to the Schmeeckles for some crawfish.  You all had so much fun playing with your friends, and the crawfish were delicious!  I feel so blessed to have my family, my friends, and the three of you and Daddy.  I love you guys so much!  Thank you for making my birthday so special.

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