Thursday, April 30, 2020

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Releasing Our Butterflies

Over the past two weeks, we have watched our caterpillars turn into butterflies! This morning, we released them into nature.  We told them goodbye and that we hope to see them again one day.  Catherine told one of them she hopes it comes and lands on her soon.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Gingerbread 1986

Here is a picture of Mommy's Pre-School class.  Her Pre-School was named Gingerbread, and this picture was taken in 1986.  I am at the top left.

Earth Day 2020

In Mommy School today, we had a good discussion on ways we can help the Earth.  We said we could turn off lights when we leave the room, throw trash away in garbage cans and not on the ground, recycle, and clean up around our Church, school, and neighborhood.
 We made brown Earth bags that we used to pick up trash around our yard, and we made Earth cookies to eat after dinner. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Social Distancing Visit with Granny

We have not been able to see visit with Granny in weeks due to COVID-19.  We miss her and have been so worried about her being by herself for this long.  We decided to take a trip to Thibodaux to visit with her through the window today.  She was on her phone, and we were on ours so that we could hear each other.  
It made me happy and sad at the same time.  So happy to see her and that she is healthy, but sad that we can't hug and that she has to wear the mask.  We are praying this virus goes away soon so our lives can go back to normal.  In the mean time, we'll visit through the window as much as we can.

Fifty-Five Months Old

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

COVID-19 Weeks 4 & 5

We made a blue heart to hang in our front window.  This was a symbol of thanks to the doctors and nurses who are working so hard for the sick right now.  

Trying to attract other butterflies!


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